Monday, April 10, 2017

Geico & Guardians Team Up

Co-branding has been a recently new trend that has taken the marketing scene recently. Co-branding allows two companies to work together to create a mutually beneficial partnership. Successful examples include GoPro & Red Bull, Apple & PRODUCT (RED), and Genius & Spotify. Red Bull encourages consumers to film their adventures with GoPro who uses content in their commercials and website. Apple supports the PRODUCT (RED) fund with unique red products on their website, recently launching a limited edition red iPhone. Finally, Genius partners with Spotify to show song lyrics and information while listening to songs on the Spotify app.

This is another example of successful co-branding. Geico and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. partner together to create an adorable commercial between the Geico gecko and Groot. The gecko tries to explain his line, and Groot can only say his infamous "I am Groot" line. Both brands should benefit positively from the commercial, promoting people to switch to Geico and to watch the movie when it releases in May.


  1. I always like to see this kind of co-branding, especially when they are very different products and services. Normally you wouldn't expect to see Geico in a movie like this, but they were able to create a successful commercial for both their services as well as promote the movie. Well done finding this and other examples.

  2. I'm not usually one to fall for advertisements but I always like watching the amusing ones that just catch your attention. Its more interesting this way especially when brands collaborate on a ad. I'm just waiting on the day I see a commercial with competitors advertising their brand haha
